Tim is very alergic to scents. No colonge. No hair gels. Tim has had to have his friends shower as soon as they've come over because of their colonge or something in their hair.
Tim has owned four cars: a 1976 Pinto (1981-1985), a 1985 Nissan King Cab Pickup truck (1985-1996), a 1996 Jeep Cherokee (1996-1999). and a 2002 Mini Cooper S (2002-present). The three years in New York, Tim went without a car. The car Tim learned to drive on was a 1963 Olds with an aluminum engine.
Tim has never owned an electric can opener.
Tim has visited 48 of the 50 states (still to go: North Dakota and South Carolina). Tim's family liked to take 5000 mile, 10 day road trips each summer. Two adults and five kids in a Ford station wagon.
Other than Vancouver, BC, and Tiajuana, BC, the first time Tim traveled outside the US was in 2001. Since then he's been to Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, Caracas, San Juan Puerto Rico, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, and London.
Until 2000, Tim had cable TV in his home once for only two months and that was in 1986. The only reason he's had it recently is for cable modem.
Tim recycles everything. Los Angeles has curbside recycling for single family residents, but not for condos or apartment complexes. Tim takes all glass, metal, plastic, and paper (including cereal boxes, junk mail, writing paper) to the recycling center every other weekend.
Tim has never seen a Sylvester Stallone movie, has only seen two Tom Cruise movie, Zero Steven Segaul movies, and Zero Jean Claude Van Dam movies. (But he does see the bad guy from Blood Sport at the gym all the time.)
Tim has been to Alaska 10 times.
Tim likes to talk about himself in the third person, at least on this page.