Where I grew up, part I

Jennings, Missouri

June 1959 to December 1969

This is the house that I lived in from the time I was 6 weeks old until I was 10.5 years old. It was a very small house, with a huge front yard, and an even bigger back yard (notice in map below). Behind the back yard was some land that was still being farmed. Four houses to the left was a train track.

side view of house

These photos were taken when I went back to visit some time in the mid 80s. The most noticable differences in these photos from what I remember are the size of the tree in the front yard, and the storm doors on the front door.

front view of house

Here is a crude drawing of the floor plan.

  |        |
  |        |
  | garage |
  |        |
  |        |
  +        +
                              +-------------+-+   ------------+
                              |                               |
                              |             |=|               |
                              |    bedroom  |=|   kitchen     |
                              |             |=|               |
                              |             |=|               |
              +---------------+-------------+-+   +-----------+
              |               |               |   |           |
              |                               |     bathroom  |
              |                               |   +-----------+
              |   living          dining                      |
              |   room            room             master     |
              |                               |    bedroom    |
              |                               |               |
              |               |               |               |
              +---------------+------   ------+---------------+

When my father was living with us (until I was 8), all the children lived in the second bedroom. In that room we had a bunk bed and two baby beds. I slept in the top bunk, my two sisters slept in the bottom bunk, and my two brothers slept in the baby beds. Then after my father left, my sister slept in my mom's bed, until my mom went to bed, where she was moved to the living room couch.

map of north side of St Louis

map of my neighborhood in Jennings

By the way, I was conceived in the house my mom grew up in, which was in Flordell Hills, also on the map. It certainly was a more affluent neighborhood from where I grew up, even though its only a few blocks away. The train tracks, of course, was the dividing line.

Here are some school photos from when I lived in Jennings.

Written 8-2-96